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Reference lists

What you should know about a reference list:

  • It is an alphabetical list of every source you have referred to in your writing.
  • It appears at the end of your essay or report.
  • It gives credit to the authors you have referred to in your writing.
  • It helps the reader locate the source of information.
  • It should be written on a new page.
  • Make sure you indent the second and subsequent lines of your reference list.
  • The format for each type of source is different.

Here is an example of a reference list:

Reference list

Ahonen, P., Tienari, J., Merilāinen, S., & Pullen, A. (2014). Hidden contexts and invisible power relations: A Foucauldian reading of diversity research. Human Relations67(3), 263-286.

Amigot, P., & Punjal, M. 2009. On power, freedom, and gender: A fruitful tension between Foucault and feminism. Theory & Psychology, 19(5), 646-669.

Ansari, S., Munir, K., & Gregg, T. (2012). Impact at the ‘Bottom of the pyramid’: The role of social capital in capability development and community empowerment. Journal of Management Studies, 49(4). 813-142.

Banerjee, S. B. (2010). Governing the global corporation: A critical perspective. Business Ethics Quarterly, 2(2), 265-274.

Barrientos, S. (2013). Gender production networks: Cocoa-sustaining cocoa-chocolate sourcing from Ghana and India. Brooks World Poverty Institute working paper, No. 186. Manchester, UK: University of Manchester.

Now, test your memory!

Additional resources

The University of Auckland Referen©ite gives a quick guide on how to correctly reference different types of sources.

A comprehensive online guide to APA referencing for University of Auckland Business students is also available.